You're finally sixteen! Haha. I shall make you happy and say you are tall. Lol. But small. Anyway, hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration. Though it's not as grand, sorry cause your birthday fall on prelim day. Haha. Next year kay (: Hope you LOVE your presents so dearly too. & Your gift from me is on it's way. I ordered alr but has not reach. Will pass it to you when it arrives kay (: Happy birthday Jun Liang. LOL.
It's 1.10am & i'm still wide awake. Got paper later. Ahhh! Kay fast one then i go sleep. Prelims are alright. Today had Social studies & Math P2. Social studies was.. -.- I studied so much for it and my mind went completely blank. Plus i didn't have enough time to finish writing. Math P2 also not enough time. I took alot of time doing section A. But the Math paper was alright. Not that difficult. Hopefully i do pass (: Tomorrow's Eng P2 & Physics.
I nearly got knock down by a car today man. Thank God i stepped onto the curb just in time before it hit me. I ran across the road & didn't see the black car speeding towards me. I gotta shock. It was so so close to me. Just when i stepped onto the curb the car screeched to a stop. It freaked me out. I think the driver prolly wanted to scold me but i ran away. LOL. Studied with some of my cgm. Got lost on my way to riverwalk. Al guided me there.
Pictures are in order (:
Javier's birthday bash. No wait. More like pinch. I have a video on they guys pinching Javier. It's hilaroius & sorta evil.
Botak Jones! :DD Yummy food.
While Javier was away doing something DUMB.. Justin and i stuffed his presents into his empty bag. Lol. It was initially flat until we stuffed the gifts into his bag. It looked damn bulky man. Haha.
His Macbeth shoe by Justin & Joey & me(i paid 1.9%). Lol.
The wallet from Justin, Stacy, YiFu and me(I paid a bit too).
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