Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The amount of drugs and tears,
Will never erase the uncountable hurt you poured on me
Cause it's just too much for me to take
So tonight, i'm gonna make my stand.
I'm done waiting for nothing.

I hate school rehearsals. It ends so late. GAH! So irritated. Plus i'm part of the Speech Day event as a prize winner. -.- Anyhoos, I got back all my test papers already. Here are my marks :

Math: 35/50
Chinese: 34/50
English: 21/30
Geography: 15/20
Social Studies: 7/12
Physics: 4/25
Chemistry: 6/25

I passed everything expcet combine science. I hate Science. Can't seem to get it into my head. My Ss teacher & Physics teacher came up to me & said ' I expected you to do better '. That' s like rubbing even more salt into the wound -.- My Eng marks are so disappointing. I was aiming for 24. Mdm Preetha said she had to read my compo twice cause my 'a' and 'd' look alike.

After school i had rehearsal. Then met Alfred, Louis, Beloved & Jane at tpy. Though it was a short while with them, i enjoyed it (: And after like so long, Alfred & i got to talk. We never even got the chance to spend time together for the past few days. Let alone meet. So, it was nice having to sit down and talk to him and all. (:

& I miss the Gundu and Belo ):

Shaa, you have a choice to make. No one's rushing you to make a decision even before you're ready. Take all the time you need. But promise to stand up on your own two feet. I promise you walls of grace. When we're lost we'll find a way. I know you'll pull through, so hang in there. (:
& ily <3

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