Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hope you had a fun birthday. & Don't be sad alr okay. Senyum! :D You're finally 18, faster than most of us. Haha. But on the brighter note, you get to do more legal things. Anyway, ilyyy & you'll always be my bestfriend! (:

Met ShiKin ytd & she had to leave early. So there was a sudden change of plans. Went to tpy park. We chit-chatted & took photos. When she said she had to leave, i was panicking man. Cause some of her classmates were supposed to come & surprise her, & they were late. I had a hard time trying to make her stay. Haha. Thank goodness they appeared from behind a tree. Lol. She was really happy though. It's kind of apparent from the scream she let out when they started singing the 'Happy Birthday' song.
Anyhoos, no matter where you go we'll always keep in contact that's for sure. & Don't be sad over your results alr ok? (: ilyy & Happy 18th birthday :)

& Now.. Presenting the pretty birthday girl - SHIKIN :DDD

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