Friday, June 27, 2008

Walking down this journey with you
Created memories. Everlasting ones.
Things i know i'll keep forever.

Recess was interesting. Cui Lian, i never knew you were THAT brave until today. There were this group of lower sec girls sitting on our table refusing to leave. When Lian asked them nicely to move to another table, there's this girl who answered back so rudely. She said someone sat on her table plus she wasn't eating. But we were. They did leave ,but complained to Ms ang saying we chased them away. Ms Ang said" Nadine you're from OAC right? Heard you chased a group of girls away when they sat on your table.' I was like wth? I didn't even say anything. -.- They prolly only remembered my face. I don't really care anyway. Cui Lian's our heroine! :D Haha really she is. She's always got our back.

Anyway, after school didn't go smoothly for me. My F&N coursework thumbdrive is spoiled. I couldn't take it and Cried. Mr Loh helped me check if can open. Still, can't. Tried on more than 5 comps. I just couldn't accept the fact tt my thumb drive is spoiled. This means i have to retype every single thing again! Yknow how tedious tt is??! My god. Plus, i thought i threw away half of my coursework. I cried again in the lab. On my way home, i cried again. The thought of researching everything again just frustrates me. All my effort down the drain. I've got 2 days to complete everything.

Here's 2 pictures of what we today did during the Adam Khoo talk:

My current distractions. Read the one on Alfred & Luthfi only. I wrote Luthfi cause he kept disturbing me.

This is Luthfi's current distractions, I wrote the one in green. Lol. His much more lamer than i am. Read everything. It's darn hilarious.

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